Erase My Name... Or Write It As You Will
Last night Keith Olbermann made comment on the collapse of Prop 8 in California and it's worth SEVERAL watchings.
I have been mulling over some kind of response to the issue of prop 8 in California since it first appeared on the ballot (along with laws which passed in Florida, Arizona and Arkansas as well), and I have yet to come to terms with the wording to explain how I feel. Most basically, I feel like Olbermann hits the nail soundly on the head. It is completely incomprehensible to me how people can begrudge other people the very basic reality of acknowledging, with full celebration and heart felt joy, LOVE.
I am particularly at a loss when considering the response of people who claim to be followers of the "Prince of Peace," a man who specifically declared the fundamental basics of loving one's neighbor as one's self.
I agree wholeheartedly with my friend Zach, who writes this morning of the need to remove the concept of marriage from the constitution entirely... though I disagree with his proposed methodology. THAT however is for a different (and perhaps shared) blog.
As for me... I take heart from the words of Clarence Darrow (and Omar Khayam) that Olbermann uses to close his commentary (and posted in the title above).
After a lifetime in "the church" I'm done. You can remove my name... erase it from the book... I want nothing to do with a community of people that choose to live with such hypocrisy and hate, and I want no more to do with trying to "bring them around." I would prefer, for all time, that my name be written "in the book of love" rather than in any book of exclusivity and division. I will not join in fellowship with those who choose to exclude people for who they are while claiming to love and welcome all.
I will continue my personal spiritual quest, for that is a part of who I am and I most certainly can't let go (whether because of temporal lobe epilepsy or a deeper apprehension of the truth remains to be seen). I will continue to fellowship in the churches like Glide Memorial where I am a member and Grace Cathedral where I regularly attend because they are open and affirming and welcoming to all, but I will not even darken the doorways of "houses of worship" who seek to exclude - by sentiment, declaration, or vote - those whom they have chosen to disfavor.
No more... I will not sit at a table where others whom I love are not welcome.
ONE Nation (and one world please)... with liberty and justice for ALL.